Date and Time Analysis


In the beginning of the second third, of Date and Time

by Phil Kaye, we read that the author goes through his teenage years and adulthood with being faced with the challenge of his body image that one will see developes a big insecuri.

     Like every other teenager and even in adulthood, people are faced with many insecurities due to the fact of constantly being compared or comparing yourself to others, always wishing what someone in particular has, whether that be there body type, money, family, or even their job. In this case the author faces body issues.

    The author introduces each stanza with a set of numbers,  those numbers indicate the age he was while talking about and what experiences or obstacles he was facing with. Each stanza had a common obstacle, the obstacle of his body image. For the author, his struggle was always being too skinny and never fit enough, even others, like his classmates, pointed how skinny he was, which made his insecurities even worse.

    Dealing with body issues almost for his whole life it wasn't until after his 30's, when he came to the realization that being fit or super muscular doesn't determine the level of success one has but realizes it is more of a sign of failure. Coming to this realization you can see the authors character development becoming more loving of who he is and how he looks like, which eventually made him the person he is today.


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