Date and Time: The Beginning

"Assimilation, in anthropology and sociology, is the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society." (Elizabeth Prine Pauls, Assimilation,

"Racism, the inability or refusal to recognize the rights, needs, dignity, or value of people of particular races or geographical origins." (Sinclair Ross, Racism,

"The Beginning," is about the author's younger years and experiences with racism and the struggle of trying to find friends. This chapter of the story of his life in poetry focuses heavily on the rift in his family, divorce, cultural assimilation, racism, and bullying. 

"Apparition," in particular, is about his time in school and how it was affected by racism and bullying. Phil Kaye in this poem talks about his friendship with Jonathan and how society changed the way they viewed themselves. Kaye talks about how Jonathan was bullied constantly for his weight. "Of course Jonathan would ask for another slice." (Date & Time, Phil Kaye, pg. 58.) He tells how one of his close friends turned on him in an instant, using his race for a quick joke. Calling him "Ching chong chang chong." (Date & Time, Phil Kaye, pg. 60.) to gain popularity with the other kids.

This accurately represents society and how racism affects minorities in America. The idea is that if you are from a different country you must assimilate as much as possible to fit in and make friends. Even going as far as skin color and eye shape. If you arent white in America and attend a majority white school, you are often singled out for your differences. Just like Kaye was. 

America has a vast history of this toxic assimilation and racism. For instance skin whitening products for POCs and white people alike. Products to straighten and curl hair in certain ways, hiding natural hair patterns. The Stone Wall Riots and the fight for the rights of  LGBTQ+ people. The newest epidemic of Slim-Thick/BBL surgeries, one of the deadliest trends based on racism, misogyny, and assimilation. This ongoing trend of trying to get the American population to act, look and be exact copies of each other, this is a part of the American experiment. 

America finally has people just like Phil Kaye, raising awareness for the most dangerous pandemic that we have yet, to find a vaccine for. Racism and its variant, Assimilation. The only way to stop this harmful disease from spreading is to start with ourselves and work our way to others. Educating each other on harmful practices and never shaming each other for our differences.

We may be different but we can still respect each other.

Hopefully, as the book goes on it continues this trend.


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