First half of Frankenstein

First half of Frankenstein

It is fascinating to read Victor Frankenstein’s previous life story. I am able to gain a better understanding of who he is because our environment does affect our behavior. When Victor arrived at University he developed a passion for the sciences. In the midst of his studies, he discovers the secret of life. In desperation for a companion, he creates a monster in his apartment. Things don’t go as expected and this monster becomes a reflection of the demons he struggles with. Due to his unfortunate past like losing his mother at a young age, he begins to have intense flashbacks. These fear-induced flashbacks leave him physically sick to the point where he ends up abandoning his new creation.

Reading the first half of the original Frankenstein really changed my view on it because I only knew the Halloween horror version of this story. This version taught me the impact of someone's pain can be reproduced some way or another.


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