iexam 2 Laura Salmeron


The first think that I do every day is take my phone and see the messages that i have. If i’m honest it’s the first time I stop think about if my messages are kind, useful or true. And my communication has changed until i have started thinking about it.  Sometimes I send my friends just an emojis without no sense and that message just make me laugh.

Today, I had a misunderstanding with my family and I realized that when I spoke with them it was not a kind communication. When i started to realized I change my mind and I tried to talk kindly and i was trying to have a useful communications because sometimes when you are getting angry with your family, you’re just yelling to each other and the communication doesn’t make sense. Once, I tried to be kind, and also I tried to explain myself better, the conversation was useful and we solved the problem. Also, it’s hard to solve a misunderstanding when you are talking with them with the phone and not in person.

When I was with my friends, sometimes we just laugh of nothing or when we look at each other we start laughing and it doesn’t make sense for any person but us. We can’t avoid this moments because maybe they are not useful but they are really helpful. And I really realized about today that a lot of times the conversation is not useful at all.

Finally, I have to say that try to communicate myself being kind, useful and true and it has been harder than I thought because sometimes when you are tired or stressed you are not kind with the persons who are near you and you don’t even realice about it. This is what happened to me, since I tried to change my mind and the communication went better. On the other hand, I tried to have all the day an useful communication but sometimes with your friends or someone who you trust so much, you have like a “code” and when you said a word or you do something that reminds you an anecdote and you laught at it. Here there’s no sense or useful conversation. As I said, a lot of times I don’t have an useful conversation because it’s like we talk but we do not say anything at all with a lot of people, especially now that we have started the college life and you are meeting a lot of people and sometimes you will know that you’re not going to be friends with them. Moreover, I want to say that I have realized that I always say the truth when I’m talking and I’m so proud of myself because there are lot of people that when they talk they lie and that reflects the person you are. And to finish, I will say that my communication has changed today and i think it will last the next few days.   


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