iExamen 2

 iExamen 2

I began my iExamen 2 on Sunday, October 24. I had the intention of saying only what is kind, useful, and true for the whole day. When I woke up around noon I first greeted my roommate. We’re really close so it was natural for us to talk about our random dreams from the previous night. We laugh a lot since our dreams are so ridiculous. Honestly, every day I attempt to be kind towards people around me because it is important to treat people the way you want to be treated. Especially during the times that we live in when people are constantly spewing hate and judgment at each other. Kindness is the medicine that the world needs in order to heal. I've been taught that moral obligation since I can remember. That form of communication during my self-observation was fairly easy but saying what is useful was something that I needed to learn how to do. During the middle of the day, I received a Facetime call from my friend from back home. She’s currently going through the unavoidable stresses of her senior year of high school and she was asking for some advice. Even though our experiences are completely different when I was a senior in high school due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I was still able to advise her on her college application process which is universal for everyone. I started to feel bad because I admitted to her that I couldn't help her through everything and I knew she desperately needed clarity. During our conversation, I learned that ultimately she needed support more than anything and as her friend, I reassured her that I will always be there for her. In that instance, I realized that I was passing useful knowledge that applied to my friend, and also I was being truthful. Communicating along these lines defiantly helped me because the conversations that I had were beneficial for my communication skills with my friends during my observations.


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