iExamen 2

 My second iExamen had proven to be my most challenging, I was unsure of my self observation abilities at first. But as the iExamen continued I began to adjust to this newfound behavior. Saturday Oct 24th was the first Saturday in a while with no rugby game, and suffering our first loss of the season Friday left me with a bitter taste in my mouth, and not one ounce of me wanted to produce any kind, useful, or true thoughts. But for the sake of others and my desperation to mature, I decided to be better than my thoughts. I'm usually an outgoing kind person, so that wouldn't be the challenging part, the self observation would be my biggest obstacle. As the day goes on I began to inform my roommates about what's going on. I like to offer a little heads up to those around me before I start changing things. The first observation I noticed was that my kind, useful, and true thoughts were hard to express. I generally express myself through humor, sometimes my humor might not be the kindest but those who've been around me are accustomed to this behavior. My kind thought was to fix my roommate's bed. He had been complaining about his back for the past couple of days, and although I found it rather easy to tease him, I figured why not do something kind and useful. I raised my roommates bed, he thanked me for it and there have been no complaints ever since. It makes me happy knowing that small gestures such as raising one's bed can bring one comfort, and it also brought me satisfaction and ease since there was no longer any moaning and groaning keeping everyone up at night. After I'd done this I realized that this iExamen had brought out my gentler qualities, These qualities are only ever used around people I've grown to care about, this iExamen helped me observe my gentle qualities in a new light.


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