iExamine 2

 I chose Saturday to do my observations. This was a very peaceful day at the beginning of the day. Simply talking to my roommate, a couple of friends, and reading. I also noticed that is being honest and kind, people were extremely nice back, well some people. 

I thought that my friends would mainly think that I was acting differently from how I normally acted, and they said they didn't notice a change. I thought there would be a change, mainly because of my habit of jokingly saying that I hate my friends while laughing with them. or my intense use of sarcasm when picking on them a little.

The only problem that arose was when a friend that hasn't been so nice in the past asked to talk. 

I found it extremely difficult to admit that I did miss them and that I wanted the best for them. And trying to remain kind, after they haven't been the kindest to me. It made me feel almost vulnerable to telling the truth and being kind. Almost out of my element. However, to my surprise, it fixed the situation a lot faster. Making the damage less bad than it would have been otherwise. Making both of us feel better about the situation. 

I would have to say that it was defiantly worth telling the truth and being kind in that situation.

It made me realize, that even being nice to people who we would automatically be semi-nasty to because of things they've done in the past or said, often helps more than being nasty. I think in the future I will defiantly have to use that technique. Even if it makes me feel vulnerable at first. 


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