White: Frankenstein

 Liam White

Dr. Ellis

EN 101

October 20, 2021


            I believe that it is important for everyone to be scientifically minded. This allows for everyone to have a sense of understanding or at least a sense of being able to find out and understand things about life that someone who is not scientifically minded would not understand. I believe that this is the most important takeaway from this section of the writing.

            Everyone knows the story of Frankenstein, and everyone has a different interpretation of it, however, one of the most common conceptions is that Victor is a mad scientist. I do not think that this is true. I believe that he is simply a scientist who experienced a loss. I believe that Victor had the same mindset as the guy writing the letters in the beginning. I think that they come off as smart and driven because they are scientifically minded. Even a person who succeeds in this life has that same scientific thinking. I believe that this is the most important takeaway from this section of the book. While every book has multiple lessons that can be taken away, being scientifically minded will take you far in this life and allow you to be smart and make good decisions even if you are not a scientist.

            I think that this book has so many important take-ups away, but I believe that the most important, and one that you can use in all aspects of life is that you need to be scientifically minded. 


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