Jackson, Wordsworth and Bolen Laura Salmeron


First of all , in “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud by William Wordsworth”, the speaker used a simile when he was comparing his loneliness with a single cloud. The speaker walks alone and he suddenly he saw a crowd of Golden daffodils and he compares it with  the stars that shine and twinkle on the milky way. Near the daffodils, the waves are glinting on the bay. A poet couldn’t stop be happy because of a jocund company. He often lie son the coutch in a vacant or in pensive mood, the daffodils come back to the speaker’s imaginative memory and fills the speaker with joy as his mind dances with the daffodils. He personificated the Daffodils when he said “ Tossing their heads and springhty dance”.

Then, in “Quarantine by Eaven Bolen”, in the worst season of the year a man set out of his house with his wife because she was sick with fever. They were walking in the frigid temperaturas while the freezing stars arrived, in the next morning both had found dead. And her feet were held against his breastbone, so he had preished trying to provide heat to his sick and suffering wife. This poem is a love poem with his ultimate romantic gesture. The autor use dan hyperbole to talk about stars when he said “Until at nightfall under freezing stars they arrived.” And stars are supposed to be burning but he is trying to emphasize how could is outside.

 In the video, they talk about the body and its relationship, how also people process their body. Instead of appreciating what her body is . We live in a society where women are presented these versions od bodies and these thin women that we’re all supposed to achieve. Using poetry allow her to express erself better, she is able to have her words on the page and allos repersonalization.   

Her body just because she is singing it’s a physical activity and thinking about her breath, that really make her think about my body as a vessel.

I found really interesting this video, helped me to how she writes and how she sings and also how she conects her body with her soul.


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