Jackson, Wordsworth, Bolen

 Jackson, in her video and when speaking about her poem, Anthem for My Belly After Eating Too Much addresses the topic of how even though Black bodies may often be idolized in some ways they are often still appropriated and adapted in a way that never truly acknowledges their beauty in their true form. Instead she approaches this in a way that while respectful of the way people try to appreciate her body, she also acknowledges how she may not always be satisfied with every aspect of it. In this way she approaches the subject matter in a simultaneously romanticized and realistic light that captures her entire range of emotions and present that in a way it can create a new sort of positive and accepting narrative. Thus presenting a beautiful contrast that effectively conveys multiple emotions.

Wordsworth presents in "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" the an initial image of solitude followed by a series of images displaying complete and utter pleasure. He begins describing the solitude of his roaming, which very quickly gives way to a description a "crowd." The crowd in this case is a meadow flanked by waters and forests and overlapped by a beautiful sky filled with stars. This crowd immediately causes his internal sadness and loneliness to fade away allowing a happiness from within him to overcome his mood.  Following this as he returns to his home, he begins to find a new happiness in his solitude and whenever he needs a refresher from his memories of nature. I believe this displays the romaticized depiction of nature in its purest form and provides one far end of the spectrum for the poems we have examined.

The next far end is embodied by  Eaven Bolen's Quarantine. During this poem we see a depiction of a couple attempting to survive a trip during freezing weather as they attempt to endure disease. Yet despite their best efforts and all the measures they take, they ultimately find themselves overcome by the elements and killed. I believe this represents the pessimistic depiction of nature at its most raw and as such it very obviously contrasts with I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. Thus all ends of the spectrum are covered.

In conclusion, every work for today focused on some end of the spectrum of nature's depiction. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud presents the most optimistic point of view while Anthem for My Belly After Eating Too Much present the realistic view, and Quarantine presents the most brutally realistic perspective. In this way they all cover different aspects of the same overall experience.


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