What I learned this semester

This semester, I have learned more about the writing that we have read than I did in high school. In high school, we would mainly read, have a quiz, and then talk more about how it relates to culture and our society in Baltimore. I also found that I never had a real-life experience in high school that I needed to know something about what we read, but I did this semester. On November 17, right after our class finished, I went to dinner at Five and Dime, a restaurant about a mile or so away from campus. But this restaurant does trivia nights on Wednesday, and I went with two of my older brothers and my sister-in-law. The final question where we wagered all of our points was about “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud” by William Wordsworth. The poem we talked about 2 hours before in class. But knowing the answer to that question allowed my team to get from the middle of the pack to third place. But the most interesting thing I learned in this class was a more profound analysis about Frankenstein, which I had only heard about and never read. But what I would listen to was completely different than what the book is actually like.


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