What I learned this Semester

Gabriel Mourao


    There were many things that I learned through this class that has shaped my experience in Loyola as a whole. What I learned this semester cannot be conveyed in a few words rather it was through the many various topic that we as a class covered that taught me a wide variety of things. Like how I learned about self care and loving your body through the discussion of Whitman, or the importance of modernizing tradition. These topics enlightened my understanding about the world by providing me with more knowledge about different culture I didn't experience.

    What I find interesting about all of this is that if I didn't read all the stories and poems that I did I would of never of known about these different ideologies. It also goes to show that what limits our acceptance of different traditions and cultures is our lack of knowledge about their culture. I was really blown away of how a decent understanding about someone else's culture allows you to sympathies with the other party. In stories like the whale rider you can feel the companion and love of the tribe towards the whales allowing you to understand the significance of whales to those native people. In date and time we can observe the way Phil Kaye grew up and understand his disproval of the internet. All of these stories deepen our knowledge of our surroundings and it surprised me how little I truly knew about others around me.


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