
Showing posts from December, 2021

What I've learned

  I always hated English classes in grade school, because we were always required to read books from before our time and come up with an overanalyzed response without hearing other viewpoints. Being in this class has been very different from those other courses in turn making it feel like a breath of fresh air. Being a finance major I dread most classes although I love the subject. Whenever the clock strikes 4:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays I get excited because I know there will be inciteful and respectful conversations had between myself and peers. The structure of this course makes me as a student more excited to read these books regardless how old they are, because as a class we do an excellent job of being able to relate the topics to current worldly, and community issues. Even in the earlier days of our course we were able to touch on heavy subjects such as racism, and certain slang and derogatory words, and not once did the conversations go in a direction when it needed to be stop

What I learned this semester

 This semester I learned there are multiple ways to interpret the text. Such as The Waltz, where some people interpreted the text to be about a father and his abused son. Others interpreted it as friendly interaction between father and son. These interpretations are bought on by the person's experiences and past experiences, making every analysis unique. I once thought that there was such a thing as a right and wrong analysis, now I've learned that any analysis is right as long as it can be proven. I'd say more than learning, I found this course an experience. An extremely good one. Just as thrilling as falling in love with a new song on the radio. Its thanks to my classmates but also to Dr. Ellis for enabling and hosting such a space where we can have the amazing conversations that we do. A safe space to learn and grow. The feel of a home or a small little book club of friends.  Literature can show a person's way of thinking while also expanding upon it. Literature is

What I Learned This Semester

 Among the different things I learned this semester, more specifically in this class, probably the most interesting and inspiring were by far were the different works based on vocation. This included Red Palm by Soto, When I Consider How My Light is Spent by Milton, and the interview with Father Kolvenbach. For this reason I wrote my paper on their writings and have integrated their thoughts in some of my other classes and extracurricular activities, at times even quoting them, and there are multiple reasons why. Among these are the citations that the yoke we carry doesn't always need to be the most strenuous for us to be accomplished, but oftentimes it just needs to be the right one. And even so God, nature, the greater good, or whatever one would prefer doesn't need our specific talent in a messianic sense, but instead blesses us with the ability to serve it's purpose. And to avoid serving this purpose in the end would only be to sell ourselves short.  Kolvenbach first to

what I learned this semester

  Its not just what I learned this semester through this class, it's the experience, the motivation, the literature, and the content I felt coming to this class every Monday and Wednesday. I learned alot through this class, first, I learned to be motivated, through Dr. Ellis’s constant uplifting and motivating comments, I actually learned to be more confident in my work and produce better papers. Through the presentations and class discussion, I was able to attend a class that had fostered such a comfortable space for students allowing us to practice our speech and discussion qualities. Through these discussions, I was able to be prepared for the next assignment due, not only that but I was able to go back home after class with a fruitful amount of new knowledge. English, reading, and writing used to be something I was genuinely afraid of but through this class, I have learned that there is more to it. Literature holds so much meaning in a student's life as we continue to study