
Showing posts from November, 2021

What I learned this semester

      Being a part of this class has completely changed my approach to reading literature. I have learned to appreciate different works from different writers through our insightful discussions. It has taught me not only to settle with one theme or lesson from a piece of writing but to continue to search for alternative meanings. Listening to my classmates openly make connections with the books, poems, and short stories that we read to their personal life experiences has inspired me to do the same. I’ve grown so much in the span of this semester. I’ve learned about concepts and ideas that I believe everyone should know in order to evolve into our most authentic selves. I’ve learned what clinging on to hope can do to better our situations, what self-love actually looks like, and how to navigate life by embracing our identities, and many more. I was also introduced to so many writers that I never knew of like Phil Kaye, Kara Jackson, and Witi Ihimaera. Through this whole process, I have


  WHAT I LEARNED THIS SEMESTER?   This semester I have known a lot of new authors that i haven't heard before this class and how their ideas are reflect on the poem. If i'm honest if I had read all this poems before this class I would never think in any of the things that we had talked in class. I mean, I would have read it but then I would have never really understand what really want to say the author or I would have just understood the half of the poem.  This class also have really helped me to see another points of view, sometimes when I've read this poems I only could see my point of view but then when i heard my classmates' opinion, it really helped me to open my mind and see that people can think different than you. Also, when I came here i didn't know english at all, and in this class I've had the opportunity to learn new vocabulary and start speaking without being shy and ithout being concerned to be judged because I knew my classmates would respe

What I learned this Semester

Gabriel Mourao 11/30/2021     There were many things that I learned through this class that has shaped my experience in Loyola as a whole. What I learned this semester cannot be conveyed in a few words rather it was through the many various topic that we as a class covered that taught me a wide variety of things. Like how I learned about self care and loving your body through the discussion of Whitman, or the importance of modernizing tradition. These topics enlightened my understanding about the world by providing me with more knowledge about different culture I didn't experience.     What I find interesting about all of this is that if I didn't read all the stories and poems that I did I would of never of known about these different ideologies. It also goes to show that what limits our acceptance of different traditions and cultures is our lack of knowledge about their culture. I was really blown away of how a decent understanding about someone else's culture allows you t

Being True

   Liam White Dr. Ellis EN 101 November 30, 2021 Being True             I think that the most interesting thing to me during this class was that everyone was open and excepting of new ideas. I think that this connects very well with the play that we are reading because Shakespeare’s whole message in this play was to be true to yourself. I think that this was something that I was not used to. I am not saying that everyone in college is closed-minded, it just happens that a lot of people that I have met have been very closed-minded. It has actually been kind of concerning because it means that these are the people that are going out into this world, or they are the people that are actually in the world, and they are so closed-minded. It was very interesting to see just how open this class was. It would be great if the openness of this class would be just how open the world was. I think that that is something that everyone needs to try very hard to be. I believe that this is exactly what

What I learned this semester

This semester, I have learned more about the writing that we have read than I did in high school. In high school, we would mainly read, have a quiz, and then talk more about how it relates to culture and our society in Baltimore. I also found that I never had a real-life experience in high school that I needed to know something about what we read, but I did this semester. On November 17, right after our class finished, I went to dinner at Five and Dime, a restaurant about a mile or so away from campus. But this restaurant does trivia nights on Wednesday, and I went with two of my older brothers and my sister-in-law. The final question where we wagered all of our points was about “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud” by William Wordsworth. The poem we talked about 2 hours before in class. But knowing the answer to that question allowed my team to get from the middle of the pack to third place. But the most interesting thing I learned in this class was a more profound analysis about Frankenstei

Lauren Masino - what I learned this semester

  I have learned so much this semester. There have been many different genres we have read between all of the books, short stories and poems. Of course I have learned a lot within each reading and discussion, but the thing that I feel I will be able to take away from this class and bring with me for the rest of my life is not necessarily an English lesson, but rather a life lesson.  Just as the main message in our last reading, Shakespear’s Twelfth Night , I have learned in this class to be myself. Dr. Ellis has reminded us of this every class, and she reminds us to keep the classroom a safe and inviting place for everyone to be. I believe we are taught this so everyone feels comfortable being their true selves. It is to everyone’s advantage when we all be who we really are. When students hide who they are they do not give the teacher, the other peers, and even themselves their best work.  I have enjoyed all of the different types of readings we have done in this class. It always felt

Jackson, Wordsworth, Bolen

  Jackson, Wordsworth, and Bolen   The poem "Anthem for My Belly After Eating Too Much" by Kara Jackson is a young black woman finally accepting her body for what it is. At the beginning of the poem as she’s looking at herself in the mirror and is struggling to love her belly. In the poem, it says, “my belly, a country i’m trying to love.” The current beauty standards expect women to have flat stomachs at all times when in reality that is not natural. Eventually, by the end of the poem Kara has a completely shifted perception of her body, she now views it as a vessel of the things she loves to do like singing. She vows to embrace and protect her body like it's her home.  The poem “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud” by William Wordsworth is about the encounter that the speaker of this poem has with daffodils. He feels instant joy as he witnesses these daffodils dancing in the wind. This piece of writing proves how powerful the connection between humans and nature is. The speake
 Kunle Badmus 11/17/21 Blog post     Each of the poems have a distinct theme of sadness and grief attached to them. In Wordsworth's I wandered Lonely As a Cloud, he opens with the line "i wandered lonely as a cloud" (Wordsworth 1). Wordworth uses this poem to speak on the desolation and loneliness he felt though his life. The zeitgeist of the poem is dark and reminiscent, depicting his troubles and sadness. Faven Bolen's poem Quarantine, is far less metaphorical and is more direct in terms of depicting the immense sadness Bolen is attempting to portray. Bolen sets the scene of a man and his wife who are both ill. He states that the woman is famined and passes on their long walk, the man passes as well. This poem concludes with the feeling and emotions attached to a sad couple of deaths.

Jackson, Wordsworth, and Bolen

 Jackson, Wordsworth, and Bolen are all poems written about beauty. Jacksons' poem is about her dislike for her stomach and how black bodies are often idolized and said they are beautiful for certain aspects. Not all aspects, just parts. It relates how only certain parts of bodies, in general, are not told to be all beautiful but to have certain parts focused on. such as thighs, hands, hair, eyes. The rest are seen as not beautiful or noteworthy.  Wordsworth's poem is about solitude and the beauty of being alone. The beauty that one finds being by themselves, even if loneliness is terrible. Reaching out for someone and finding no one there. However it is still beautiful.  The last poem is by Bolen. This poem is about two lovers trying to get to the hospital in a severe winter storm. The woman not being able to walk due to sickness and the man carrying her, in hopes of making it there. However it was too late, they froze to death trying to get there. The man's last gift to h

Jackson, Wordsworth, Bolen

 Jackson, in her video and when speaking about her poem, Anthem for My Belly After Eating Too Much addresses the topic of how even though Black bodies may often be idolized in some ways they are often still appropriated and adapted in a way that never truly acknowledges their beauty in their true form. Instead she approaches this in a way that while respectful of the way people try to appreciate her body, she also acknowledges how she may not always be satisfied with every aspect of it. In this way she approaches the subject matter in a simultaneously romanticized and realistic light that captures her entire range of emotions and present that in a way it can create a new sort of positive and accepting narrative. Thus presenting a beautiful contrast that effectively conveys multiple emotions. Wordsworth presents in "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" the an initial image of solitude followed by a series of images displaying complete and utter pleasure. He begins describing the so

Jackson, Wordsworth, Bolan

  The selection of these three poems displays a recurring theme of sorrow. Kara Jackson’s poem “anthem for my belly after eating too much”, highlights the positives and negatives of food consumption. Jackson shows appreciation, and guilt for her gut. The third stanza of Jackson’s poem reads, “at the bottom of my tummy, my belly, a country I’m trying to love”. This stanza leads me to believe that although the speaker has eaten too much, they’re still doing everything in their power to see things on the brighter side. This deeply saddens me because I know that people can be hard on themselves for doing things the only way they know-how. In this poem it’s food consumption, the speaker knows that it’s eaten too much but they still overlook it and try to make things seem as normal and happy as possible. In reality, many people go through tough times but the toughest part is choosing to remain optimistic and to move on with your life. William Wordsworth’s poem “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud”

Jackson, Wordsworth & Bolen - sabrina gurung

These three poems showcased nature scenarios in life and the process of human beings. Although all unique in their ways of expressing each individual topic, they aligned with their meaning of what life’s course is like. In the poem I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud, the speaker depicts themself wandering around like a lonely cloud. While discovering a field of daffodils that gives him comfort and pleases him with a found sight. This poem articulates many images in order for readers to feel the poet's emotions and vision of the calming beauty of nature. Through personification with the cloud, the author utilizes an artistic approach. Additionally allowing readers to also be a part of the wandering cloud, looking over the beauty of the fields.  Secondly, in the poem Quarantine , readers find themselves indulged in a poetic story of death and love, the hardships of sickness. In the first stanza of the poem, the poet uses the word “worst” many times. This repetition sets up a scenario for t

Ode To Those Who Never

  Liam White Dr. Ellis EN 101 November 16, 2021 Ode To Those Who Never              I think that all three of these poems talk about things that are often overlooked. In the first poem by Jackson, she talks about the body and how America wants and needs things in excess, especially food, and yet America shames those who are overweight. Although the body-positive movement has gained traction over the past couple of years, I think that there is still this stigma about being overnight, whether that is a few pounds to a few dozen pounds. I feel as though this poem is a perfect representation of what someone in positions feels like. I especially liked that after the presentation, the host said that this is an ode to some things that do not get a lot of good recognition. I feel that this statement ties perfectly into the other two poems.             While the poem by Wordsworth talks about something that gets a little more recognition than the body positivity talked about in the

Lauren - Jackson, Wordsworth & Bolen

  All three of these poems have a sense of nature and the natural causes of the world. Although they all end up telling a different story and hold a different purpose, it is clear to see how all three authors use nature to tie in their messages.  The first poem, “anthem for my belly after eating too much”, uses the nature of how your stomach grows when one eats too much. It is all a natural process. The message under the naturalistic perspective of this poem ties into the body image that is present in our country.  Media has created the idea that we should accept all body types now, yet Laureate Kara points out how clothing stores still do not follow this idea of acceptance. It was an interesting take on how she was able to have nature introduce this idea our society has been trying to push for a while now.  The next poem, “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud”, is heavily revolved around nature. William Wordsworth uses nature to describe his feelings of loneliness. He starts off by thinking o

Jackson, Wordsworth and Bolen Laura Salmeron

  First of all , in “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud by William Wordsworth”, the speaker used a simile when he was comparing his loneliness with a single cloud. The speaker walks alone and he suddenly he saw a crowd of Golden daffodils and he compares it with   the stars that shine and twinkle on the milky way. Near the daffodils, the waves are glinting on the bay. A poet couldn’t stop be happy because of a jocund company. He often lie son the coutch in a vacant or in pensive mood, the daffodils come back to the speaker’s imaginative memory and fills the speaker with joy as his mind dances with the daffodils. He personificated the Daffodils when he said “ Tossing their heads and springhty dance”. Then, in “Quarantine by Eaven Bolen”, in the worst season of the year a man set out of his house with his wife because she was sick with fever. They were walking in the frigid temperaturas while the freezing stars arrived, in the next morning both had found dead. And her feet were held against

Jackson, Wordsworth and Bolen

          The first poem, “Anthem for My Belly After Eating Too Much,” an anthem’s definition is “a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause.” This was a poem about a genuine, challenging topic that is happening today with many young people, especially women and young girls. She connects something that everyone loves and something necessary for humans to live, food, and how that relates to how we are viewed in the world. Food is a thing that is necessary for life, but people’s opinions of the way people look, some people think that is way more important and necessary.            “I wandered lonely as a cloud” by William Wordsworth describes the narrator as a cloud, something that is light, fluffy, and blows where the wind takes it. This poem describes a happy memory of a field of daffodils by a lake that comes to the narrator's mind and eyes whenever they are feeling down. Wordsworth uses the word “crowd” when describing the daffodils to suggest